Our Past
Our Future
October 1965 - The Church of the Transfiguration was established in the Diocese of San Francisco by Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken. Rev. Arthur Wendell Hofmann “Speed” was named founding pastor.
May 1966 - The first Parish Council was formed with Nick Scocca as president.
June 1966 - Rev. Donald Castella was assigned as associate pastor.
July 3, 1966 - The first liturgies were celebrated in the newly erected portable building called The Center, located toward the front of the property.
January 1967 - Ground breaking was celebrated for the eight-room school building near the rear of the property (currently Mt. Tabor Hall and Parish Offices.)
September 10, 1967 - The first liturgy was celebrated in the eight-room school building, renovated to function as the “temporary” Worship Center (for the next 20+ years)
Vatican II changes were introduced to the parishioners
Early 1970’s - The staff and Parish Council decided not to have an elementary school as part of the parish. The 9-room building remodeled with redwood background for the altar area.
Early 1970’s - The nuns’ residence at 1460 Glacier Drive was sold with the departure of the nuns from the parish.
January 1972 - Rev. Bill Leininger joined the parish staff.
December 1972 - Rev. Bill O’Keefe joined the parish staff.
1975 - The parish celebrated its 10th anniversary on the grounds of its own Community Park - a large grassy area around the portable building, near the front of the property. The park had been installed by parishioners with most of the materials and all of the labor donated.
1978 - The parish presented Fr. A. W. “Speed” Hofmann with a new car funded by donations.
1980 - Parish Renewal Committee formed.
1980 - First Annual Pancake Breakfast
1981 - Diocese of San Jose was formed on March 21st.
1981 - Fr. “Speed” Hofmann moved to St. Mary’s Parish in Los Gatos.
1981 - Fr. Wm. Leininger named pastor of Transfiguration and Pastoral Team was formed.
1984-85 - Fund Drive Committee formed to finance remodel of 8-room rear building and to build new Worship Center.
1988 - First liturgy in the new Work Center on February 27th.
Aug. 1995 - 30th Parish Anniversary Celebration
Aug. 1995 - Don Kohles retired from Director of Community Ministry office after 17 years.
June 1997 - Fr. Wm. C. Leininger retires with celebration liturgy and party.
July 1997 - Fr. George Aranha becomes the 3rd pastor of Transfiguration.
June 2000 - Fr. George Aranha returns from 5 months in Rome.
June 2002 - Fr. George Aranha moves to new assignment.
July 2002 - Fr. Walter McMahon becomes 4th pastor of Transfiguration.
Oct. 2005 - Parish celebrated 40th Anniversary culminating a year of events.
May 2010 - Parish loan retired after 45 years!
Aug. 2014 - Fr. Walter McMahon retires.
Aug. 2014 - Fr. Tito Jesus Cartagenas, Jr. becomes 5th pastor of Transfiguration.
Oct 17, 2015 - 50th Anniversary celebration at 5:00 p.m. Mass with Bishop P. J. McGrath and reception following.
July 1, 2024 - Fr. Christopher Bransfield becomes the 6th paster of Transfiguration.
Oct 12, 2024 - Bishop Oscar Cantu presides over the installation of Fr. Christopher Bransfield
…To Be Continued…
History taken from the Church of the Transfiguration Anniversary book by Jacqueline L. Alderete, Oct. 2015