Welcome to
Church of the Transfiguration
4325 Jarvis Avenue, San Jose, California 95118
Parish Office: 669-274-6530
The Parish Office is open
Tuesday through Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Triduum 2025 Schedule
Holy Thursday
April 17
No Morning Mass
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00pm
Altar of Repose in Tabor Hall following Mass till 11:00pm
Good Friday
April 18
No Morning Mass
Stations of the Cross 12:00 Noon
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3:00pm
Holy Saturday
April 19
No 5:00pm Mass
Easter Vigil 8:00pm
Easter Sunday
April 20
9:30am and 11:00am
FRIDAYS during Lent (March 7 - April 11)
we will be having STATIONS OF THE CROSS &
THE ROSARY in Church at 7pm, Please join us!
will be on April 2nd at 7pm
Parish Staff
Pastor: Rev. Christopher Bransfield
Office Manager: Donna Pfaff
Catechetical Coordinator: Judy Bateman
Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Editor: Judy Bateman
Parish Accountant: Maria Pepper
All are welcome!
If you would like registration information, please call our parish office.
Click here for directions to Church of the Transfiguration
4325 Jarvis Street, San Jose, CA 95118
Father Chris and Bishop Cantu
Judy Bateman, Father Chris, Donna Pfaff
Rev. Fr. Christopher Bransfield is our new parish pastor, as of July 1, 2024. His official Installation Mass was by DSJ Bishop Oscar Cantu, on October 12th, at our Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass. Visiting priests included Master of Ceremonies Fr. Jeff Fernandez, Fr. James Okafor, Pastor at St. Francis Cabrini, Fr. Gerard Okafor and Fr. Gener Geronimo. The Rite of Installation began after the Gospel reading. Fr. James read the letter of appointment and Fr. Chris, as Pastor-elect stood before the bishop. Bishop Cantu addressed our new Pastor, Fr. Chris, with a Profession of Faith and Oath. Fr. Chris was then invited by Bishop Cantu to take his place at the presider’s chair.
We thank our Parish Staff, members of Finance Council, Advisory Committee and Parish Leaders, Liturgical Ministers and parishioners who participated in this special Mass, and who in the Installation Rite, all promise to pray for Fr. Chris and sincerely welcome him to this community.
Father Tito Cartagenas, Jr. has been pastor of the Church of the Transfiguration since 2014 and has been assigned to St. Julie Billiart Parish in the Santa Teresa neighborhood as of July 1, 2024. The Staff, Parish Community and the Igbo Community joined together to say goodbye and thank him for all he has done. The Master of Ceremonies of the event was parishioner, Susan Glenfield, who also put together the Farewell Video of memories and well wishes from all. Much love and best wishes to Fr. Tito as he starts a new chapter in his ministry. Thank you, Fr. Tito for answering His call.